Importance of print media
Do you know how important print media is ? In this post, we will show you the importance of this investment.
“As important as the digital scenario, print media continues to be a widely used means of communication in the market, mainly used by advertisers and journalists who work with graphic prints.
In short, we can say that it particularly covers materials printed in graphics.
Printed media disseminates in a wide variety of communication vehicles, such as magazines, newspapers, newsletters, yearbooks or in separate pieces such as direct mail, folders, flyers and billboards, which also categorize as outdoor media. Another detail worth mentioning is that people can make these materials in the most different types of finishes, papers, stickers, plastics, varying in colors, effects and sizes. In the general ranking, print media is in fourth place and increased from 42% to 45% in terms of trust.”

What is print media?
Also known as offline media, print media is one of the most common means of communication that exists, so much so that it is very rare to hear someone who has never seen an advertisement in this type of print.
Print media and its relevance in communication
The story of how this form of communication grew and became so prevalent begins with the creation of the printing machine using movable type, the printing press, by Gutenberg in 1438. From then on, pamphlets containing criticism and information about important events, whether political, social or economic, of the time became popular. Then, gazettes began to appear, filled with information from that time; pamphlets, full of the misfortunes and misfortunes of the people, as well as libels, which contained merely opinionated content. And, in the 17th century, this was the birthplace of what we know today as Journalism.
Over the years, this scenario has progressed, and the development, printing and distribution processes have undergone advances. With industrialization, in the mid-19th century, the mechanization of processes made everything faster and cheaper, favoring the reach of more readers and providing the first major innovations in the format. Over time, Journalism as we know it began to take shape. Thus, in order to survive with the arrival of TV and radio, newspapers began to adopt a more commercial stance, including advertisements and advertising campaigns on their pages.
From this moment on, a new way of producing and disseminating information, whether journalistic or advertising, was formed until we reached the scenario we have today.
Current scenario
Printed material is still quite effective in reaching a wider audience, with very different habits and preferences. Many people still appreciate printed material, including for its visibility and accessibility. Even if you don’t buy a newspaper or magazine every week, you still absorb information that reaches you in material form every day. In addition, the variety of formats favors this reach.
There are several types of paper, plastic and adhesives, as well as formats: flyers, folders, inserts, banners and many others. The quality of the material also depends on the type of printing used. And here we have another advance that favors this type of media. We currently have:
- Offset printing: widely used in business cards, posters, folders and books, as well as magazines, newspapers and materials that require high print runs;
- Digital printing: this is a laser process performed directly on the material, made from a digital file. It is a process that guarantees the same quality as offset printing, but with greater agility;
- Screen printing or silk-screen: one of the most democratic types, screen printing allows printing on different items, with different sizes and thicknesses;
Folders, flyers, take one, catalogs;
Sale blades;
Merchandising at the POS;
Promotional materials;
Presentations in ppt or pdf;
Booth customization;
Creation of displays;
Setting and signage;
Special projects;
Creation of campaigns;
Seasonal media.

Printed materials are unlikely to cease to exist;
It can be integrated into any medium;
High credibility;
It is not necessary to use external means to be disseminated;
Vast dissemination power, allowing distribution to be local and direct, without the need for electronic devices to send information;
Very popular media;
Allows re-reading and selective reading;
It has a consolidated audience;
Easily adaptable to the reader’s pace;
A predetermined distribution schedule is not necessary;
More in-depth content;
It has a lower cost when compared to other media;
Easy to transport.
In addition to these advantages, it is also worth mentioning that this type of media is preferred by the public, as they like printed media a lot, in the vast majority of cases, without forgetting to mention that it is possible to describe certain products in more detail, which generates greater strength at the time of the purchase decision.
It is necessary to produce the material in advance so that it can be delivered within the expected deadline;
When in large quantities, it is a material that is difficult to transport;
Geographically restricted circulation;
Color printing increases prices;
It is more difficult to keep the user’s attention.
Of course, we cannot fail to mention here that interactivity is more difficult to achieve, color printing increases costs and it is more difficult to achieve motivation and maintain the user’s attention.
An important aspect to be considered by institutions that produce printed media is preparation time; certain well-prepared materials involve large teams and demand a lot of time to produce
Given the pressure of short delivery deadlines, it is not always possible to take into account all the complexity of factors involved in the preparation of educational materials.
This creates a contradiction between the demand for quality in printed materials and the growing market demand.
However, a very important fact that must be taken into consideration by companies that work with print media is preparation time
Some materials may involve many people in their production, which takes time to produce.
But when you deliver your material to a quality printing company, which works quickly and efficiently, this problem has a solution.
What is the future of print media?

The transformation of business by the digital revolution affects every sector. Let’s look at printed magazines and newspapers, which are suffering a loss of subscribers and advertisers. They are losing readers and, consequently, losing the interest of advertisers. Although they are betting on digital versions to stay in business, digital revenue is not making up for the loss of original revenue. Sooner or later, “printing costs” (printing facilities are expensive) will be much higher than “printing revenue” and it will be time to stop printing altogether. The only question is when, in 2, 5 or 10 years?
On the other hand, we see that the time spent by people connected to the Internet is much greater than the time spent reading newspapers. This time is being spent on social networks (which today is the largest source of news) and on general-use apps.
There is the option of focusing on niches. For example, the UK’s Financial Times caters to a niche audience with unique content. The lesson is that if you serve your readers well with something original that they can’t get elsewhere, they will pay for it. The FT’s revenue from quality content is directed to a group of loyal readers who are interested in the topics it publishes, and it is attracting premium advertisers who want to communicate with this specific audience. But to do this, it needs to maintain a team of expensive specialist journalists and have research and support staff.
5 common problems faced by print media
With the digital environment , information reaches any place with internet. Printed newspapers, on the other hand, depend on delivery people, salespeople and other resources.
Therefore, the reach of print media is more affected than the reach of digital media .
Speed of information
The speed of information in print media depends on the editorial staff , editing staff and printing staff . As a result, much information does not reach newsstands in time. For example, if a breaking news story happens at 9pm, it is impossible to put it in the newspaper that will be distributed at 5am the next morning.
In the digital environment , information circulates minutes, even seconds, after the event.
Diverse audience
To produce content for a printed newspaper , you need to have a lot of knowledge about the public , which is very diverse. Think, for example, of the people who stop at a newspaper stand and look at the cover. They are people from different economic situations and ages, and all of them need to be attracted to the headline to read it.
Producing content without a niche can be a big challenge for print media writers and editors .
For the reasons already presented, advertisers no longer choose print media to advertise.
Thus, the newspaper printed about a financial crisis due to the lack of sponsors .
Finally, to produce the paper used by print media , it is necessary to consume many natural resources , such as water and wood. Therefore, production becomes harmful to the environment.
If you worked in the newsroom of a print newspaper
Advantages of publishing your election campaign in print media
Print media segmentation
Print media is currently undergoing a reinvention. To keep up with the changes brought about in recent times, print media has had to redefine itself as a new, yet already familiar, way of consuming tangible information.
Forget about the printed newspaper as you know it: divided into sections such as city, politics, sports, culture, and many others. Developing specialized content is the new trend. Today, newspapers are a niche product and the number of newspapers and magazines that publish segmented content is increasing.

Consuming niche print media goes against the common sense we have created, after all, everyone can consume this tangible media, since it can be inserted in different areas and targeted at different age groups. Image – Reproduction/ Istock
The consumption of printed newspapers is undergoing transformations, and the audience that continues to follow this medium, despite the changes, has become increasingly demanding. They are willing to pay to read segmented content that is also robust, detailed and in-depth. The demand here is for complete information, fantastic images and increasingly rich content, valuing the time and investment of the consumer.

Amidst so many political party options, your campaign needs to stand out from the rest in an authentic and unique way. By reaching the right audience with great content, your efforts are sure to convert into potential votes. Image: Reproduction/ Istock
Print media as a synonym for credibility
It is due to the length of time it has been serving the population that the printed newspaper has gained credibility. Over the years, the newspaper has provided transparent and accurate information to the population on a daily basis, building a relationship of trust and solidity with its audience.
This reputation built by printed newspapers is recognized to this day and plays a fundamental role in influencing politics, especially in the process that makes choosing politicians possible: elections . According to a company specializing in market and consumer data, 21% of Americans aged 65 or over consume information through newspapers every day.

Ignoring the power of print media when promoting your election campaign can mean that your proposals will not reach this audience, which is so constant and attentive. Image – Reproduction/ Istock
Print and the migration to digital media
Changes have come and many printed media outlets have migrated fully or partially to digital. Several printed newspapers have started to have a digital presence, but without abandoning the character of reliability that we are already accustomed to.
Among the successful strategies: that of The New York Times, the most influential printed newspaper of the world’s largest power, which managed to reach the mark of 10 million subscriptions in its digital version, and The Wall Street Journal, which increased its digital reader base by 19%.
The evolution of print media
The world’s first printed newspaper was published more than 2,000 years ago. It was the Acta Diurna, created by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar to publicize his political and military achievements.
And, for a long time, print media was the only means of publicizing actions that took place in the political sphere, for society. Or of propagating information that affected collective life in some way. After all, when neither radio nor TV existed , it was through print media that news was delivered.